Climate change is real, the same as overpopulation, but it is up to us to eliminate a major obstacle to progress, a negative part of human culture.
Climate change is not only a product of man, but a consequence of global evolution. According to the astrophysicist Khabibullo Abdussamatov, the same climatic changes occurring on Earth are identical with the climate change on the planet Mars. This hypothesis (not fully accepted by the scientific community) is based on changes in solar radiation.
Undoubtedly, the end of time meets new scenarios on the habitable biosphere of the human species. It is a fact, with quite clear results and consequences, the constant coverage of human needs through consumption of the finite amount of natural resources.
Since man lives and grows within a dynamic system, he does not create an appropriate form of education to preserve the planet, but to preserve its own balance. The biggest environmental problem that creates bottlenecks today is Over-consumption.
Even if the human population were to go beyond the tolerable limits, with the appropriate barriers that we would be moralizing for them, the effects of the above problem would not have created such an extent.
It is true that the current way of living through profit and marketing, which even imposes these rhythms, constantly creates new needs without pre-existing its fundamental problem (considering a system of problemàneedàsolution). Of course, actors, apart from political and economic, smash a new consumer society. Clearly no one has ever become an enemy of prosperity and comfort, let alone wealth, it is worth laying down some special principles to be able to perceive the problem rather than interpret it superficially.
First Principle is the person/individual.
Perhaps the basis of overexploitation as the person without the proper education must push the phenomenon into its exponential form and dimension. Already consumption per person has been increased for the last 100 years from 11 kg / d to 44 kg / d. Taking into account the raising of the standard of living, this is justified, but the need for additional consumption of a product with a finite lifetime without the life of the first one has existed as a tendency 150 years ago. This can also be relevant, but it is indisputable to manipulate people, which is followed by a lack of critical and rational thought. The person is directly connected with the education of Fred Gale. "I used 700 words to clean my throat"
Second Principle is the Economic System.
The economic system is structured outside of the services and products it offers to reward the trainee for the energy he spent with some profit. Profit is the motivation factor for steady and continuous increase of action for more profit. Since just 1% of the system is squandering energy for personal growth and pleasure, the economy does not support unit-based, non-profit-making systems. The system of capitalism is clearly not the problem, but the difference in living standards around the world poses the wrong way of developing globalization as the big problem
Third Principle is Technology.
Technology is directly linked to the economy. Investing in more environmentally friendly technologies is the current 30-year theme. On the other hand, the problem is to invest in technological systems with as little energy or input as possible, producing the largest possible outputs. Case: So with just one gallon of some form of fossil fuel we would cover our transport needs for the same distances where a current fuel requires ten gallons of the same mineral. In this way we minimize environmental threats and result in competitive displacement of biodiversity species when it is likely to be extracted in important habitats.
Huge areas on the planet have changed in the form of their ecosystems, e.g. From deforested forest areas to end up as crop land. Ecosystems are already being pushed 30% more than they are able to offer. This ability is called "biological competence" and is not taken seriously as profits will be reduced.
Sustainable growth means a high quality of life for all people on the planet. The countries of the South are battling to overcome poverty and increase the material prosperity of their inhabitants in the future. This requires countries with high levels of resource consumption per capita, such as Europe, to significantly reduce the use of its resources.
Many actions can and should be taken in the short term. Initially creating executive policy measures that reward efficient resource use and good environmental behavior, and we must aim to increase recycling and inform consumers about their choices on reducing the use of natural resources.
In the medium term, however, we need to address more fundamental issues.
• How can new growth models in industrialized developing countries be created and focus on prosperity instead of increasing production and consumption?
• How can developing countries improve their quality of life without overlooking the potential of our planet's resources?
Referred to: It's not overpopulation that causes climate change, it's overconsumption - Fred Pearce
(Τελευταία είσοδος 22 Μάρτιος 2018)
Overconsumption? Our use of the world's natural resources : Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI), Austria and GLOBAL 2000 (Friends of the Earth Austria) – IN COOPERATION WITH: Institute for Economic Structures Research (GWS), Germany.
Overconsumption? Our use of the world's natural resources : Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI), Austria and GLOBAL 2000 (Friends of the Earth Austria) – IN COOPERATION WITH: Institute for Economic Structures Research (GWS), Germany.
(22 March 2018)
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