Saturday, April 14, 2018

Hydroelectricity: A great opportunity for economic growth in Greece

Hydroelectricity represents the 16% of the whole world electricity production and there has been an increase by 2.6% per year, while the electricity production from other sources has generally increased by 3% per year. The electricity production is proportionate to the GDP of every country and due to the economic crisis it has decreased in countries that have suffered from austerity like Greece. In Europe and the USA hydroelectricity has been stagnant, whereas in Asia and South America there has been a great increase of hydroelectricity (more than 6% per year). Many countries in Europe have fully or almost fully exploited the economically feasible hydro potential (in Norway hydroelectricity production is about 99% of its total electricity), but in Greece only the 31% of the feasible hydro potential has been exploited. Greece’s low exploitation percentage of hydropower potential would allow for spectacular development of hydroelectricity and would resolve a lot of water scarcity problems at the same time. However, due to the mimetism of the Greek society for European stereotypes no development towards this level was observed. The mimetism opposes water resources development and the most impressive example is the Mesochora project (170 MW, 340 GWh/year, investment 500 million of Euros) in the upper Acheloos River. The dam and the hydropower plant have been constructed and are ready to use since 2001, however they have not been put in operation, causing a loss of 25 million of Euros each year for the national economy.
 People who are not experts in hydrology have spread a series of fallacies that are related with hydroelectricity and I am going to list them below:
Fallacy 1: Hydroelectric energy is not renewable
“Hydroelectricity is not renewable. Hydro dams irreversibly destroys wild river environments- while the water is renewable, wild rivers are not. Dams have a finite lifetime, but the wild river cannot be replaced”.
“Hydro power is not renewable. Hydroelectric power depends on dams, and dams have a limited life- not because the concrete crumbles, but because the reservoir fills with silt.”
Greek legislation refers that “The hydraulic power generated by hydroelectric plants, which have a total installed capacity more than 15 MW, is excluded from the provisions of this act”. After these quotes it can be said that even if we assume that dams may destroy river environments (methods that preserve the river environments have been discovered since the mid of the 20th century), the energy that they produce does not make it non-renewable. In addition, no human construction (including wind turbines and solar panels) have unlimited life and the energy production from a dam does not stop if it is silted. The fact that the Greek legislation excludes large-scale hydropower stations is unacceptable and apart from this, the energy production is not reported to the EU in achieving the renewable energy targets.
Fallacy 2: Environmental problems created by dams are irresolvable
Environmental concerns about dams have helped find solutions for real problems such as improved ecological functioning (permanent flow for habitats downstream, improved conditions for habitats in reservoir, passages of migratory fish). There have also been discovered solutions for sediment management by appropriate design and operation (sediment routing, by-pass or pass-through, sediment dredging and transport downstream), revision/increase of non emptied reservoir storage for improved quality of water, ecosystems and landscape and re-naturalization of outflow regime.
Fallacy 3: Large-scale energy storage is beyond current technology
Engineers may have not yet developed energy storage devices suitable for storing solar and wind power, however, pumping water to an upstream location consuming available energy, which will be retrieved later as hydropower, is a proven and very old technology with very high efficiency and are also called “hybrid energy systems”. This feature of hydropower makes it unique among all renewable energies and can be implemented even in small autonomous hybrid systems. However it is substantially more advantageous in large-scale projects.
Fallacy 4: Hydroelectric energy has worse characteristics than wind and solar energies
Large-scale hydroelectric energy has unique characteristics among all renewable energies and has some very important advantages. It is the only fully controllable regulated (as contrasted to the highly variable and uncontrollable wind and solar). It also offers high-value primary energy for peak demand as energy is produced when is demanded and not whenever there is wind or sunlight. Additionally, it offers the unique option of energy storage, which is an essential need for an energy system that includes renewable energy production. It is a system that offers high efficiency as large-scale hydropower stations with a percentage of more than 90%, while wind turbines have a betz limit of 59% which in practice is about 20% and the commercially available solar cells have a percentage of efficiency that is about 17%.
Fallacy 5: Small hydropower plants are better than large
The debate about large against the small projects seems to has been won by the latter and this is evident from everyday news, scientific documents and particularly from legislation. However, many countries/states consider small hydropower plants as a renewable and large as non-renewable energy resource, where the limit in Greece is 15 MW, in California and Maine 30 MW, 80 MW in Vermont and 100 MW in Rhode Island and New Jersey. In Greece, a total of 250 small hydropower plants have been licensed with a total installed capacity of 430 MW. Only the capacity of the Kremasta hydropower plant in Acheloos river is 437 MW and this proves the irrational environmental policy that is applied in Greece and other countries and states. How about the environmental impact of large and small-scale dams? Elementary knowledge of geometry reveals that if a certain volume V is divided in n geometrically similar shapes, the total area is proportional to n1/3 and the total perimeter is proportional to n2/3(both increasing functions of n). This simple truth has implications on several fields, from the area occupied by reservoirs to the hydraulic losses in conduits, turbines and pumps. There is no doubt that one large power plant, on one river, with an installed capacity of 437 MW has much less environmental impact than 250 small power plants on 200 rivers and creeks, with a total installed capacity of 430 MW. Furthermore, only large-scale systems can efficiently store energy and work as a hybrid energy system. At the image below we can see that for large discharge (>10 m3/sec) we can achieve efficient storage of energy (n>0.8), while for discharge Q<1 m3/sec the efficiency degrades rapidly.

Image 1: Efficiency and discharge in different systems of energy production.

From these facts we can infer that we need to construct more dams in order to meet increased water and food supply needs and at the same time more hydropower plants that meet energy needs using the most effective renewable technology. With the building of hybrid systems we can make it possible to store a high amount of energy and realistically replace fossil-fuel-based energy with less uncertain and varying renewable energy. Nevertheless, we support large-scale water projects because only these are energy-efficient and multi-purpose and can be less damaging for the environment than small-scale projects.
D. Koutsoyiannis, Scale of water resources development and sustainability:
Small is beautiful, large is great (Invited), LATSIS Symposium 2010: Ecohydrology, Lausanne, 
doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.20564.40320, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 2010.

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