Friday, July 27, 2018

Natural Disasters, Forest Fires

Was it an arson? Was it an unfortunate incident? We do not know yet, the only sure thing is that human lives, living organisms have been lost and there has been immeasurable natural disaster. Weather conditions were extreme, at the time the fire broke out, winds were blowing 7 – 11 Beaufort, and in combination with the dense and gross forest, the treatment was extremely difficult. 

In Mati Attica, dozens of people seeing the flames approaching threateningly, trapped on the beaches with result some of them seeking refuge in the sea using small boats and others diving in the water (pontosnews, 2018).

Picture 1: Fire point in Kineta, satellite image (Copernicus EU, 2018)

Picture 2: The fire in Mati, Attica (news 24/7, 2018)

It is a mega – fire created by a combination of factors such as rich vegetation with pine trees and very strong winds. 

Natural disasters are the result of occurrence of natural phenomena capable of causing them. The result, i.e. the risk, and therefore the magnitude of the disaster, depends on the magnitude and intensity of the natural phenomenon, on the vulnerability of the system to be exposed to the phenomenon and on the value of the element exposed to risk (Μακρόπουλος, 2006).

Such naturally potentially Dangerous Phenomena at the level of both Greek and European interest are:

  1. Flooding
  2. Fires
  3. Slope
  4. Volcanoes
  5. Climate Change
  6. Extreme Weather Phenomena and finally
  7. Earthquakes 

Picture 2: Kineta, the fire burning the residential areas and the extinguishing effort of the fire brigade

Specifically, the causes of forest fires in Greece are:

  1. Throwing cigarettes
  2. Various agricultural activities, such as field cleaning and pasture burning
  3. Burning garbage
  4. Ignoring fire and abandoning it in or near forests
  5. Hunting
  6. Malicious arson to change the use of burned forests and land consolidation or for other reasons
  7. Thunderbolts (Χαλιάσος, 2008)

The intentional arson is the most destructive cause and causes about 30% of forest fires. Intentional arson in many ways is done for pasture landscaping, landscaping, retaliation, damage to tourism or country security, etc. The overwhelming proportion of forest fires comes from the human factor. Human will, or human indifference is the main cause of forest fires (ΚΥΝΗΓΕΣΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΚΥΝΟΦΙΛΙΑ, 2018).

Precautionary measures

Preventive measures include the steps to prevent fires, but also those that try to reduce the magnitude of the disaster.
Informing citizens. Since most of the fires are caused by humans, the first step in their prevention should be to inform, educate and mobilize citizens about the risk of fire from negligence. 
Risk identification systems. Preventive measures include systems that determine temporally and locally the possibility of a fire for immediate intervention. 
Observatories. Installation of observatories at high strategic points in the forest for the immediate announcement of the fire. Patrols. Direct detection of any fires with regular patrols in hazardous periods. 
Firefighting zones/ forest roads. They are meant to stop the fire and can be used to pass firefighting vehicles. 
Installation of water tanks. They are used to quickly secure water from firefighting vehicles. 
Clearance. Works involving the cleaning of branches, vegetation, flammable materials along the road network. 
Forest Telecommunications. For fast wireless or wired communication between forestry workers, helping to prevent and extinguish fires (Χαλιάσος , 2008).
The information provided by global databases gives a clear and revealing picture of the timeless and spatial development (in terms of intensity, size, and impact) of disasters (Picture 3)

Picture 3: Reports of natural disasters 1900 – 2008 (EM-DAT)

Natural disasters occur continuously, and it needs prevention, action plan and proper operation of state mechanisms




Copernicus EU. (2018). A very intense fire is raging in the vicinity of Kineta. Retrieval 7 24, 2018, από

pontosnews. (2018, 7 24). Έπεφταν στη θάλασσα για να σωθούν από τη φωτιά στην Αττική. Retrieval 7 24, 2018, από

ΚΥΝΗΓΕΣΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΚΥΝΟΦΙΛΙΑ. (2018, 7 25). Τα αιτία των δασικών πυρκαγιών: Η συχνότητα τους - Δασικές πυρκαγιές και αριθμοί. Retrieval από

Μακρόπουλος, Κ. (2006). Φυσικές Καταστροφές: Σεισμοί και Μέτρα Προστασίας. 

Αλεξανδρούπολη. Retrieval 7 24, 2018, από

Χαλιάσος , Ν. (2008). Δασικές πυρκαγιές - πρόληψη & αντιμετώπιση. Retrieval 7 24, 2018, από

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